Aquaculture - daily sea forecast measurements from satelites

All data is driven from Copernicus - European Union's Earth Observation Programme, dedicated Sentitel satellites and numerical models

Aquaculture Satellite Data Service

Every day from surface to bottom

  • Temperature (C)
  • Dissolved oxygen [ppm]
  • Chlorophyll [μg/L]
  • Salinity [ppt]
  • Sea Current

Data is sourced from Copernicus, the EU’s Earth Observation Programme*, utilizing Sentinel satellites and numerical models. Our KS models also integrate sea surface stations measurements.

1.Accurate daily data from multispectral satellites, verified by earth/sea stations

2.We ensure data reliability within a few hundred meters, depending on location.

3.Robust Precision from Satellite measurements with +/-1 degree surface temperature error.

  • Complete Data Coverage: Access daily sea measurements of Temperature, Dissolved oxygen, Salinity, Chlorophyll, and the Sea currents from the sea surface to bottom, surpassing physical measurements.
  • Uninterrupted Insights: Our service provides consistent data even in adverse conditions, ensuring reliable information for your farm operations.
  • Optimized Efficiency: Plan infrastructure, fish management, and feeding with precision using our predictions, reducing waste and enhancing productivity.
  • Climate Resilience: Proactively address climate change challenges with our predictive models, safeguarding your aquaculture from environmental shifts.
  • Cost Savings: KARMENspace is cost-effective compared to on-site measurements, delivering exceptional value for your investment.
  • Sustainability: Contribute to sustainable aquaculture practices, minimizing environmental impact while ensuring a prosperous future for your farm.


Water temperature is crucial in aquaculture for well-being, feeding, survival, growth and reproduction.

  • Warm Water Species: Breeding below 20 °C is hindered, growth is limited below 10 to 15 °C.
  • Coldwater Species: Temperatures above 20 to 25 °C are unsustainable, inhibiting reproduction above 32 °C.
  • Tropical Species: Development below 25 °C is impeded, and temperatures of 10 to 20 °C are intolerable.

Dissolved Oxygen

  • Parts per Million (ppm)

Insufficient levels of dissolved oxygen will result in fish being compelled to move to colder and deeper water layers, heightening the strain on their bodies, and in severe cases, leading to atypical fish mortality.


  • Ecological Condition (ug/L)

Concentration of chlorophyll a at the sea surface of a fish farm is essential for describing water quality and predicting incoming algal bloom which is lethal for marine life. Unusual increases in concentration can be used as a warning.


Salinity Impact on Saltwater Fish:

  • Hypersalinity: Struggles with salt regulation, hampers food digestion, leading to reduced growth.
  • Hyposalinity: Risks organ failure, increases mortality in saltwater species.

Sea current velocity:

Sea Currents Impact on aquaculture fish:

  • Adequate velocity ensures fresh, oxygenated water flow for fish health and development.
  • Strong currents are needed for fish exercise but can lead to aggregating and logistical issues.